Professional Enamel Repair and Restoration
Joan Strott Alvini of Glass on Gold provides a full range of repair and restoration services. We not only repair jewelry items but also, bowls, vases, antique car emblems and all manner of enameled objects.
We do not take shortcuts and use only the finest materials and proven methods of restoration. Unfortunately not all items are repairable to thier original state. Many factors decide whether a piece can be restored to it's natural look. We employ both vitreous glass enamel and resin solutions. For a consultation regarding your specific project please contact us.
You can reach our contact information by CLICKING HERE.
Also see below for a small sample of before and after pictures and works in progress of previous restorations that we have completed.

Margot De Taxco Bracelet

Margot De Taxco Bracelet

Vintage Mushroom Pin

Vintage Mushroom Pin

University of Connecticut Ceremonial Staff Jewel. Before.

University of Connecticut Ceremonial Staff Jewel. After